E-Book Creation
According to statistics from Statistica.com, as at February 2017 total sales of ebooks remains a significant amount of total book sales. In the USA 42% of book sales are ebooks, while this is 34% in the UK, 28% in Australia and 20% in New Zealand.
Self Publising has never been easier
The Kiwiwebs team provide a full online ebook creation service. We take your raw data or finished words, and reformat the text and images into a web optimised publication suitable for your needs. If your project involves more video and other animated elements, we can also create a fully interactive publication too.
If you have existing on-line publications or e-books and would like to see how it can be improved, we are happy to offer our suggestions and advice. Simply send us the publication for a no obligation free quote.
We have completed e-books for a number of clients both within New Zealand and overseas. One example was an ebook called "One-Rep Abs" by Pete Sisco, USA. This 50 page project involved the taking of the raw graphics and word file, along with a sample document and creating a new PDF, incorporating some new chapter design elements created by Kiwiwebs. From the initial starting work on the raw files, to the online publishing and marketing of this document by the client, the project was completed in less than 48 hours.